A Series Of Attractive Tourism Products In Sapa

To celebrate the 120th anniversary of Sa Pa tourism, from July 21-23, 2023, at Lao Cai Tourist Information and Promotion Center (02 fansipan, Sa Pa ward, Sa Pa town) will organize a series of attractive tourism products: Sa Pa – Brocade and Flowers fastival and recreate “Sa Pa Love Market” in 2023. Let’s exploreing these attractive tourism products with Lao Cai Tourism.

Experience flower and brocade tourism products

It is an annual tourism product that helps visitors understand more about the traditional cultural identity of ethnic minorities in Sa Pa. You will have the opportunity to comfortably check in at: Brocade and Flower Road, Mong ethnic brocade and flower garden, Dao ethnic brocade and flower garden, Skirts and flowers, Ancient stone, Sa Pa Brocade House, Terraced rice fields.

Recreat of Sapa love market

In order to convey, introduce and honor the cultural and human values, recreating the beauty of the old Sa Pa love market, helping tourists from all over the world understand the cultural value of the “love market”. In the evening of July 22, 2023, Lao Cai Tourist Information and Promotion Center organized the re-enactment of “Sa Pa Love Market” associated with an art performance program to become a tourist product of cultural experience at night in Sapa. This is one of the unique activities in this series of events.

With a combination of folklore and art to recreate the love market, express the spiritual life and delicate soul, simulate the cultural and artistic heritage and unique features in the lives of ethnic minorities in Sapa. Through staging and recreating the scene “Saturday afternoon mood”, “Going to Sa Pa market, folk games, “Sa Pa Night Market”, “Sa Pa Love Market – Where Love Begins”, “Sa Pa love market – Dating place”, custom “Pull wife”, “Sa Pa love market – Happiness”. Certainly, the tourism product that recreates “Sa Pa Love Market” will leave visitors with unforgettable experiences.

In addition to participating in the event, visitors can choose and buy brocade products, gifts and souvenirs produced by the hands of ethnic minority artisans in Sa Pa town.

Flower and Brocade festival and the re-enactment of Sa Pa Love Market in 2023 will be held, promising to bring visitors the most authentic experiences of culture, art and cuisine of Sa Pa ethnic groups. Do not miss the opportunity to participate in this attractive tourism product.

Do Hoa

About the Author Sapa Tourism Office

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