Special dishes from Wild Pig in Sapa

You may have even journeyed all the way from the south, stuffing yourself with as many platters of spring rolls, steaming bowls of pho and sticky handfuls of pastries a possible on the way.

Now, surrounding by mountains and perched on hills overlooking valleys of verdant green rice, it is time to sample what Sapa has to offer. Sapa is a unique place filled with unique people who are all undoubtedly eating unique food, so give yourself a break from the usual Vietnamese staples and sample some of Sapas best, or ‘most interesting’, local foods.

Wild Pork (pig carried under armpit) is a well-known speciality. Pigs are grown in either the field or the woodland. They are not imprisoned, but they must find food for themselves so These pigs are raised naturally in fields or forests, making cap nach pork leaner, less fatty and more aromatic

It’s termed “Pig carried under armpit” since it’s likely to weigh around 10 kilograms and the local can carry in armpit, then go to market to sell. Although it is a “home pig,” it is grown in the field or in the woods. As a result, its meat is both delicious and fat-free. The meat is soft but sweetish pig carried under armpit, and the pig is quite excellent when killed and spiced before frying. Coming to Sapa visitors can try to taste these following dishes of wild pork:

Grilled pork thigh

Grilled pork thigh is taken from the best and firmest thigh meat of the pig. Using thigh meat to prepare this dish, in addition to the firm meat, also has quite thick skin, so when grilled, the skin will be crispy, creating a unique flavor for the dish.

The pork thigh will be marinated with spices and then roasted on charcoal until the meat is cooked and has a golden color. When eating, the pork leg will be chopped into small bite-sized pieces and served with elaborately mixed spices to create a unique feature of the charcoal-grilled pork leg dish of the Sapa people.

Boiled pork

This is a very easy to eat and easy to prepare dish. Boiled pork will be soft and sweet, often served with lemon salt and pepper to add flavor to the dish. The main ingredient is pork that is freely grazed in the high mountains of Sapa and processed in the traditional style, but it brings an irresistible appeal to many domestic and international tourists.

Grilled pork in bamboo tubes

The way to prepare grilled pork on bamboo tubes is quite simple, but the main ingredients are pork and typical spices only found in Sapa, making this dish more delicious than ever. To prepare this dish, pork will be chopped into small pieces and marinated with some spices, then stuffed in bamboo tubes and grilled.

          Grilled pig

This is one of the most popular dish in Sapa that no matter where you go in Sapa, visitors can find and enjoy grilled pig. Adding flavor to the dish and avoid monotony, after slaughter, the pig will be washed, stuffed with mushrooms, wood ear mushrooms and spices, and the outside will be marinated. Season thoroughly then put on the charcoal stove and rotate well. After roasting, the whole roasted pig will be golden in color, fragrant, and extremely attractive in flavor.

To Uyen

About the Author Sapa Tourism Office

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