The Great Places To Aviod The Heat In Sapa

Sa Pa is located in a mountainous region of northern Vietnam, and the temperatures are generally cooler than in other parts of the country. However, during the summer months, particularly in June and July, it can still get quite warm during the day, with temperatures reaching up to 30°C (86°F).

If you’re looking to avoid the heat in Sa Pa, here are some great places to check out:

Thac Bac Waterfall: Also known as Silver Waterfall, this waterfall is located about 12 kilometers from Sa Pa town. The cool mist from the waterfall can provide some relief from the heat, and there are several hiking trails in the area that offer a refreshing escape from the sun.

Silver waterfall

Ham Rong Mountain: This mountain is located right in the center of Sa Pa town, and it offers a great escape from the heat. There are several trails that lead to the top of the mountain, where you can enjoy panoramic views of the town and surrounding area.

Sa Pa Stone Church: This beautiful church is located in the center of Sa Pa town, and its thick stone walls and cool interior offer a respite from the heat. The church was built in the late 19th century by French missionaries and is an important historical landmark in the town.

Muong Hoa Valley: This beautiful valley is located about 8 kilometers from Sa Pa town and offers stunning views of the surrounding mountains and terraced rice fields. You can take a guided trek through the valley or simply relax and enjoy the cool mountain air.

Green rice fields in Muong Hoa valley

Sa Pa Lake: This serene lake is located just outside of Sa Pa town and is a great place to escape the heat. You can rent a boat and paddle around the lake or simply relax on the shore and enjoy the cool breeze. Overall, Sa Pa offers plenty of great places to escape the heat during the summer months, whether you’re looking for a peaceful retreat or an exciting adventure.

Cat Cat Village: This traditional Black Hmong village is located just a short walk from Sa Pa town and offers a glimpse into the daily life of the local people. You can visit the village’s waterfall or take a guided tour through the surrounding.

Cool river in Cat Cat village

Overall, Sa Pa offers plenty of great places to escape the heat and enjoy the cool mountain air. Whether you’re looking for a peaceful retreat or an exciting adventure, there’s something for everyone in this beautiful part of northern Vietnam.

Thanh Tuan


About the Author Sapa Tourism Office

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