The List Of Outdoor Event Venues in Sa Pa

Sa Pa is a famous tourist destination. Therefore, many tourist groups and companies choose Sa Pa as a destination to organize large events and combine their vacation. Let’s learn about some outdoor event venues in Sa Pa

  1. Tourist Information and Promotion Center – No. 02 Fansipan

The famous Tourist Information and Promotion Center is one of the outdoor event venues in Sa Pa. With ancient architecture, many cultural events imbued with local identity are held here such as: Love Market, the Mong show,…

Tourist Information and Promotion Center – No. 02 Fansipan

  1. Sa Pa Ethnic Cultural Park

A project built during the 120th anniversary of Sa Pa tourism, Sa Pa Ethnic Cultural Park is located next to the Tourist Information and Promotion Center. This is the space to organize a number of small-scale programs such as teambuilding, running tournaments, …

Sa Pa Ethnic Cultural Park

  1. Sa Pa Square

Considered the heart of Sa Pa town, Sa Pa Square was built in a basin architecture with a capacity up to thousands of people. In addition, there is also a built-in stage podium design, so it is very suitable for music and arts performing programs.

Sa Pa Square

  1. Sa Pa Stadium

With a prime location right next to Mat Ngoc Lake, Sa Pa Stadium with super large space specializes in organizing large-scale events.

Sa Pa Stadium

Bich Ngoc

About the Author Sapa Tourism Office

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