Top Most Beautiful Flowers In SaPa In Summer

Sa Pa is known as the land of colorful flowers. With many flower seasons, creating the impression of a land of hundreds of flowers blooming in the mist and cool air inherent in Sa Pa National Tourist Area.

  1. Roses

The most famous and beautiful garden so far is the one located at the Fansipan cable car station. The all-year-round cool climate creates conditions for roses to always bloom in bright and vibrant colors. It is really such a regret that visitors to Sa Pa have not visited those beautiful gardens.

Every rose garden in SaPa has its own variety and design style to give the garden its unique beauty. About 10km from Sa Pa Town, romantic rose garden is located right on the road leading to O Quy Ho pass. It is quite convenient for visitors to find the garden. The 2-hectare garden impresses visitors right at the entrance with a porch covered by climbing dark red roses. Stepping through the gate tourists can enjoy a series of ancient roses in white and velvet colors.


         Sa Pa also has many other rose gardens such as a nearly 5-hectare garden with more than 200 ancient roses aged tens of decades’ old managed by Hoang Lien Community Eco-Tourism Cooperative, or the ancient rose garden in Sau Chua village, Ta Phin rose garden.

  1. Hydrangea flowers

Coming to SaPa these days, it is not difficult to see hydrangeas with bright colors, from pure white to gentle blue or poetic light purple. You can see hydrangeas everywhere, from the garden houses of the Homestays, hotels, motels to the garden corners in the large ancient rose gardens… An impressive poetic scene.

Hydrangea has many colors. Depending on the care conditions and the pH of the soil, the hydrangea will be blue, purple, pink or white. The flowers bloom for a long time, from 1 to 2 months, so they are very popular with gardeners.

Hydrangea flowers

         If coming to Sa Pa, visitors should visit Sa Pa ancient hollow garden in group 2, Sa Pa ward, Sa Pa town, about 5 km from Sa Pa town center. This place is not only famous for its immense red roses but also for its blooming hydrangea garden. The hydrangea garden is planted on the slope, when the flowers bloom, it will create a shimmering, magical effect that is nowhere to be found. In these May days, hydrangeas bloom all over the hillside, forming a beautiful scene like “dream”, captivating many visitors.

  1. Arapang

Coming to SaPa this season, visitors will be fascinated by the dreamy field of purple flowers that have just bloomed. Tens of thousands of clementines awakened, blooming elegant purple everywhere as if welcoming visitors from far away. Each beautiful little arapang with its cool purple color seems to dispel the sweltering heat of summer, making any tourist who comes here fascinated to see it, so busy checking in that they forget the way back.

Arapang flower

As a gift for guests from far away, summer is the time when purple flowers in SaPa bloom and show off their brilliant colors. The gentle purple color and gentle fragrance make visitors more relaxed, as if walking among the purple flower hills in Provence, France or the Lavender flower fields in the land of the rising sun, Japan.

  1. Bougainvillea

Visitors to SaPa were wowed by the blooming bougainvillea in almost every corner of the coastal destination. Aside from planting bougainvillea for home decorations, SaPa residents also grew the plants until they were large enough to be used as shade or for public landscaping.

Bougainvillea flower

         Bougainvillea are grown on local streets, at coffee shops, and especially around resorts. Normally, the flowers are in full bloom across SaPa from around March to June and can be found in red, pink, purple, orange, and white, with purpule being the most popular.

Let’s come to SaPa and immerse yourself in the poetic space of summer flowers.

Bich Ngoc

About the Author Sapa Tourism Office

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