Updated the time table and price of thetrain from Ha Noi to Lao Cai and return

Traveling by train from Hanoi to Lao Cai and return has been a favorite choice of many tourists, especially international tourists. Trains bring to visitors a sense of safety and many interesting experiences.

We will update the train timetable and operating train companies along with current ticket prices in the article below to serve your needs:

From Hanoi to Lao Cai, there is a train departing at 22:00 and arriving at Lao Cai station at 05:30. From Lao Cai to Hanoi, there is a train departing at 9:30 p.m. and arriving at Hanoi station at 5:25 a.m. Currently there is also a daily train departing at 8:30 am every day, but this train will temporarily stop operating on May 15 (due to insufficient passenger numbers to operate).

There are many ticket classes for tourists to choose, such as: hard seats, soft seats with air-conditioned, 6-bed cabin, 4-bed cabin, 2-bed VIP cabin

Currently there are a number of tourist train companies operating such as:

  1. Tàu Damitrain – price from 550.000VND/ticket
  2. Vic Sapatrain – price from 500.000VND/ticket
  3. Chapa Express train – price from 500.000VND/ticket
  4. King Express train – price from 500.000VND/ticket
  5. Livitran train – price from 500.000VND/ticket

Kingexpress train


Chapaexpress train

Train ticket prices will change each day depending on the number of passengers, so please contact us in advance for specific advice. Whatsapp (+84) 986618363

Ba Hien

About the Author Sapa Tourism Office

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